Board Members Pros
For many people, being invited to join a board is an important thing. It can increase your credibility increase your reach and ultimately result in more opportunities in your professional or business.
If you’re uncertain if serving on a board is worth the hassles of meetings, settling disputes and examining financial statements, consider that money isn’t an important factor for board members. There’s a range of professional skills that will improve as a result of your board experience, and these can be highly beneficial to your career progression.
If you’re on a board of a start-up in its initial stages you may be able to be a part of the management of the company in ways that you would not be able to in your current position. Boards based on disciplines such as medical, insurance/managed, real estate, law/finance/banking or public policy may also benefit from this.
In addition to the education opportunities Being a board member gives you the chance to collaborate with executives and leaders from a variety of industries. Working together to solve difficult problems can lead to strong bonds with your personal friends.
Of course there are other aspects that influence the decision to become a member of the board including compensation and special benefits that range from use of the corporate jet to access to company-owned products to test. It is essential to be well informed about the expectations of your organization which includes time commitments, clear communication, and your capacity to contribute.
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